Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Premier mauvais plan: le fameux bus deluxe etait bien un super deluxe c'est a dire comme les autres mais un peu plus propre par contre, au lieux de nous laisser a pushkar comme prev, il nous laisse a Ajmer (30 kms de Pushkar) a 4h du mat. Sympa. Ne sachant trop que faire, on finit par suivre un rickshaw qui nous emmene dans son hotel plus que miteux a un prix exorbitant. Il est 4h du mat, l'endroit craind un peu, y personne a part les 5 gars un peu chelou = on accepte donc mais autant dire que des 9h du mat, on etait barres...


M = ++ / I = + / V = ++
Un nouveau post en direct de Pushkar.
'Tchelo' c'est on y va en hindou, et je trouve que ca passe bien.
A pushkar, il fait bon se promener dans les ruelles car les marchands ne sont pas oppressants, chacun fait sa vie et c'est bien comme ca.
Ce matin, apres une bonne nuit de sommeil ( ce qui est rare car soit on est dans un bus, soit y a un bordel pas possible toute la nuit), on va se promener autour du lac sacre. Les habitants viennent y faire leur ablutions et se poser un peu. les pretres insistent un peu trop pour nous vendre leur bouquet de fleur porte chance a 20 euros je trouve donc on decide d'aller se prendre un bon mango juice chez le fruitier du coin. ensuite, on se motive pour monter au petit temple au sommet de la colline. il fait super chaud mais c'est sympa de s'eloigner un peu de la ville. quel recompense en arrivant car la vue sur la ville entouree de montagnes est superbe et il y a une petite brise bien sympatique. Le moine en charge a mis la sono qui nous delivre un bon son ambiance indy loundge. bref, on apprecie bien de rester tranquille la haut.

pour l'itineraire c'est ici que ca se passe.


Continuing from where I left off…we were on the bus from Jaisalmer to Pushkar, right? Well, in fact the bus route changed and our final destination changed from Pushkar to Ajmer (10 kms away) over night. Let’s just say that, that is not as very nice surprise especially when arriving at 4am to a scary, crazy bicycle rickshaw driver!! I am glad to say that luck was on our side (perhaps thanks to all those pigeon poos?!) and we made it to Pushkar, after spending about 4 hours in the dodgiest, and not the cheapest, of hotels.

I have noticed these last few weeks that the government bus drivers speak better English, or rather – they speak English, whereas the privately owned, and so called ‘deluxe’, bus companies hardly speak a word. I know that it is not their mother tongue (only 5% speak English = 50 million people) but still it would be nice, especially when being dropped off in the wrong town!!

So, Pushkar is home for the moment – then Agra – then Dehli. It is a quaint town where the people are a combination of friendly and snooty. Why? Well, I think it could be due to the fact that Pushkar is a holy city. There is a holy lake, where the people to their ablutions, pray etc. It is so holy that people have to pay a tax to enter the town, we didn’t so I guess that is only in peak season?!

We have discovered some really wonderful places i.e. restaurants (you know me and my food fetish) which provide delicious ice cold mango juices that are so thick one almost needs a spoon mmmmmmm, and watermelon juice and mint nans. Bliss! The food is not too kak either ;)

So this is Pushkar, a really mellow place where the only people who are stressed are the hooting motorbike riders. Gotta love them!


Anonymous said...

hello there adventure people, how lovely it is too read about your travels and also get the chance to see photos:) you haven't been traveling for long, but still it seems you've had lots of adventures and interesting experiences. Soon it is Mozambique time, me and Dóri will arrive on July 2nd. I will let you know if I will do a blog. The aim is for South Africa in late August/beginning of September, but destination Durban /Cape Town, is not final. Keep on tracking and blogging and adventure hunting, I can't wait to meet up with you and hear about your travels face to face, gros bisou Nanna

Anonymous said...

Salut les jeunes!

Ca fait 10 jours que je vous ai laissé à Londres et je découvre déjà 2 pages de posts, photos, souvenirs, rencontres...

Je suis impressionné par votre dévouement quant aux mises à jour du blog. En tout cas, c'est un plaisir de vous lire.

De mon côté plus que 3 semaine avant la Tanzanie & de vous voir vous ballader, rend l'attente encore plus longue !

J'ai commencé à regarder pour le Chili, mais c'est chaud : 1300 € le billet pour début Janvier !!

Think a lot about you both.