Agra - Dehli
depuis le balcon de nos amis
mosquitos battle w our electric tennis racket
Cette fois ci, on troque le bus pour le train en pensant avoir tout vu. Mais l'Inde est pleine de surprise et c'est, je pense, ce qui la rend si speciale et si unique.
En bref, on debarque a 5h30 am a la station de train d'Agra. les bureaux de reservations sont fermes, on doit donc prendre la seconde classe. Jusque la tout va bien. on rentre dans le train, on chope deux sieges et on se cale pour 4 h de train. 10 min plus tard, deux indiens nous virent car ils ont reserves les sieges et nos tickets sont des tickets vous laisse imaginer la suite qui pourrait se resumer a:
Comment partager l'intimite de 200 indiens dans 10m3 par 40 degC a lombre ??
Evidement les ventilateurs ne marchent pas, tout le monde sue comme jamais et pour couronner le tout, le petit gamin d'a cote se decide a vomir son petit dej...
4 h de vrai plaisir donc pour finalement arriver chez nos hotes sudaf du wend, cathy et guy. Autant dire que se retrouver dans une maison avec des amis est qq chose d'indescriptible apres 3 semaines de voyages ou j'ai appris a completement reviser mes notions de confort, d'intimite, d'espace vital, de proprete...
Pour finir, une video qui vaut le detour. c'est ici et c'est en provenance direct du kruger park en afrique du sud.
agra - dehli, we decided to change our way of transport from the bus to train. it was a nice change full of new experiences. we arrived at 5am to buy our (super duper cheap) tickets in 2nd class, as unfort 1st class booking only opened at 8 and we had to get out of there. we had heard from our rickshaw driver that there were no pre-booked seats and therefore could sit wherever we pleased. mmm? we did just that, found an averagely comfy window seat, near a small group of americans and left. on the ticket, it was marked "agra - new dehli" so, in out western minds thought that it would be direct. but kind of knew that that was impossible, being in india and all.
after not even 30 minutes into our trip, we were kicked off our seats (due to pre booked passengers) and were forced to stand for the next 3 1/2 hour journey. luckily for me, at one stage i was the only woman standing amoungst a bizarrely large crowd and was ever-so kindly offered a seat - so there were 4 of us on a 3 seater. no complaints!
katie and guy kindly welcomed us in their home in dehli and that is where we are at the moment. it is soooo great to be in a home again, eating home cooked food and just hanging out, the south african way. very, very chilled. i do believe that this is exactly what we needed and have made two more friends, which is even better.
since we have been here, we have seen some fun stuff; rackets that electrocute flies and mossies, a fascinating utube video (see end of seb's post) and well, the trip is not over yet so no doubt, the list will continue.
Kitesurfing in lamu island: a hidden gem in kenya
5 months ago
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