a little conclusion to the end of step one: india.
we have had some wonderful, tiring, frustrating times and i am going to try and summerise them in a few paragraphs;
what i find so interesting is the customs; what one reads is not necessarily what one sees. i.e: it is written that it is best to wear clothes covering ones stomach, shoulders, knees. however, we see women in saris with the majority of their belly showing and at times, a shoulder...
i have been told that when a man likes a lady, it often takes months before he speaks to her. he may eye contact from his rooftop (that is already a major thing) yet does not speak to her, unless spoken to. physical contact is almost non existant, except perhaps in big cities where couples are seen lazing in the park together under trees. when couples walk in the street, they don't, or perhaps cannot, hold hands. instead, their arms or shoulders touch as they walk alongside eachother. holding hands is only for married folk...
hygiene is a real baffler! there are bare bums everywhere, whether in fields or alongside the roads. one is guarenteed to spot some booty! i won't even start with only eating with the right hand!
these are only a few examples. my list is pretty much endless. another time -
driving is really something; whether or not, there are two or three lanes, buses, cars, bicycles, rickshaws, cows form at least 4-5! it is amazing as they always find a spot, with a little hoot of course, to let their fellow drivers know that they are there. incredible!!
i have learnt to seek the quiet and calm in restaurants where i would not go normally i.e: mcdonalds in chandni choock. it is an escape from the madness, the exotic stenches and constant staring crowds...aircon helps too.
ultimately, india is a country that deserves months (preferably not in summer) of exploration. it has so much to offer and i find that we are leaving here not entirely understanding the workings of india and its people. with that i must just add, that i am rather looking forward visiting another country ---
Depart ce soir pour Bangkok, a 3h30 du mat. On aurait surement du faire plus attention aux horaires des avions...
En resume, pour moi, l'inde:
- c'est difficile dans le sens ou l'adaptation au pays, au climat, aux coutumes, au regard des gens est lente.
- en plusieurs occasions, il m'est arrive d'arreter de penser afin de ne pas devenir fou ou enerve.
- c'est un pays magnifique par la diversite de ses paysages
- on a eu plusieurs fois la chance de rencontrer des gens qui ont vraiment pris de temps de nous aider, de nous parler de l'inde, de nous faire decouvrir leur traditions et heureusement car de maniere generale les gens sont plutot vraiment lourds et oppressants envers les touristes a un point au dela de l'imaginable.
- l'inde ca reste une experience unique qui pousse a se remettre en question constament, a chaque coin de rue.
- les vaches foutent un bordel pas possible mais c'est la vie.
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5 months ago
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