After the transkeii, we stop off at John-Roy's farm where I spent some holidays during my master. Warm welcome from Francois and Wendy. Weird being back in Port Alfred after such a long time...almost 5 years. We went on a ride in the fields with the 4x4. I briefly saw the shooting range where i shot my first cans of coke. The dam has changed quite drastically. There is a nice guest house there now, the fish eagle i believe. No voefie slide yet though. We have a fantastic braai and we go to sleep. The next day we head towards J bay. We now jump onto the garden route and the city golf is flying. J bay is very disappointing. We get a nice spot to stay though, right on the beach with a view on supertubes. Unfortunately supertubes is dead at the moment. Nice walk on the beach, a few bargains on baggies and slops and a great diner at a mexican restaurant. Time to head for Knysna. Stop at the ? bridge for a look at the bungie jumpers. So high. No way i am not doing it. Definitely too high. Then a quick stop at ? where Karis used to go with her dad. Nice beach surrounded by weird old age castles. Finally, we get into the beautiful Knysna. We meet Steven and ? at a local bar. Old stories and the now infamous bunny chow joke.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
South African treck more
After the transkeii, we stop off at John-Roy's farm where I spent some holidays during my master. Warm welcome from Francois and Wendy. Weird being back in Port Alfred after such a long time...almost 5 years. We went on a ride in the fields with the 4x4. I briefly saw the shooting range where i shot my first cans of coke. The dam has changed quite drastically. There is a nice guest house there now, the fish eagle i believe. No voefie slide yet though. We have a fantastic braai and we go to sleep. The next day we head towards J bay. We now jump onto the garden route and the city golf is flying. J bay is very disappointing. We get a nice spot to stay though, right on the beach with a view on supertubes. Unfortunately supertubes is dead at the moment. Nice walk on the beach, a few bargains on baggies and slops and a great diner at a mexican restaurant. Time to head for Knysna. Stop at the ? bridge for a look at the bungie jumpers. So high. No way i am not doing it. Definitely too high. Then a quick stop at ? where Karis used to go with her dad. Nice beach surrounded by weird old age castles. Finally, we get into the beautiful Knysna. We meet Steven and ? at a local bar. Old stories and the now infamous bunny chow joke.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Sout Africa treck encore
Thursday, April 19, 2007
South Africa trek suite
départ pour Bulungula, endroit sélectionné sur le Coast to coast 2007, bible du voyageur. Arrivée de jour, un peu en avance, sur le parking d'un village ou le gérant doit nous récupérer, le chemin pour rejoindre l'auberge étant impraticable sans 4x4. Il fait beau, on est content. Il reste à attendre. L'endroit est assez exceptionnel, c'est le parking du magasin du village. Les chèvres errent sur la pelouse, les poules gloussent, la vie suit son cours. Des gamins viennent d'aller au magasin, ils semblent avoir réussis à chopper un bouteille de Castle et se la sifflent plutot rapidement...petits plaisirs furtifs. S'en suit une bonne sieste pas volée. Sinon, on assiste paisiblement au défilé des villageois venant faire leur courses. Après 2 heures d'attente, on commence à avoir soif, et je m'informe de la localisation de la shebeen la plus proche. Karis reste surveillé les affaires et je pars dans le village. 1 bonne castle draught et 1 smirnof ice pour la princesse, donnés à travers les grilles typiques des liquor stores sud afs. Ca devrait nous aider à passer l'après-midi. En sortant de la shebeen, j'assiste à une bonne scène: qq mamas et papas du village assis en cercle dans l'herbe ronds comme des ballons en train de bien se marrer. Ca me motive, y a pas de raison. C'est à la tombée de la nuit qu'arrive notre chauffeur. C'est non sans soulagement qu'on charge nos sac dans son 4x4 des montagnes et qu'on commence à rouler sur Bulungula. Et là on n'est pas au bout de nos suprises...